************************************************************** IEEE GOLD. SECCION ARGENTINA www.ieee.org/go/goldargentina ************************************************************** BOLETIN INFORMATIVO Nro 3 - 2007 17-mayo-2007 ************************************************************** (( 1 )) IEEE IEMC 2007 Conference ? IEEE Engineering Management Society (( 2 )) Charla: "PARTICULAS FUNDAMENTALES Y EL BIG BANG" (( 3 )) IEEE GOLD is doing it again in 2007! Online seminar: “Career Decisions: Academia Vs Industry” ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (( 1 )) IEEE IEMC 2007 Conference ? IEEE Engineering Management Society ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For the first time, a one-day IEEE GOLD track is being organized at the IEEE Engineering Management Society Conference (IEMC 2007) scheduled for 29 July to 1 August 2007 in Austin, Texas, USA. The intended audience for this conference GOLD track is graduate students and young professionals. This is a call for short papers for the IEMC 2007 Conference GOLD track. The papers will be on the subject of the conference and will be peer-reviewed and presented as posters as well as being published in the conference CD. This is a great opportunity for you to write about your experiences or area of study in the engineering management topic area. Visit the website for all details on the Call for Papers? topics at https://lifelong.engr.utexas.edu/iemc2007/gold.cfm . Questions? Please contact GOLDtrack@iemc07.org (( 2 )) Charla: "PARTICULAS FUNDAMENTALES Y EL BIG BANG" -------------------------------------------------------- La AFA Filial Tucumán y el Departamento de Física de la FACEyT de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, se complace en invitarlos a la Charla: "PARTICULAS FUNDAMENTALES Y EL BIG BANG", que el Dr. Raúl Mainardi, Profesor de Física Moderna en el FAMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, dictará el próximo: Viernes 18 de Mayo de 2007, en la Sala de Claustro de Física (2-2-01), 2do piso del Block Investigaciones Quinta Agronómica (Av. Independencia 1800) a las 11,00 Hs. Remitido por: Dra. Mónica Tirado Presidenta AFA Filial Tucumán (( 3 )) IEEE GOLD is doing it again in 2007! Online seminar: “Career Decisions: Academia Vs Industry” ----------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD has a new Online Seminar scheduled for Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 21:00 UTC or 5:00pm New York. Career Decisions - * Do you wonder whether you made the right decision by going into industry? What are the different approaches to make this career decision? * What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in industry? How is it different from working in academia? Join us for this informative IEEE GOLD Online Seminar to learn how Dr. Grace Wong overcame the challenges she faced in her career, how she dealt with the issue of balancing her professional and personal life, and how she learned about the differences between career paths in academia and industry. Registration closes Friday, 18 May 2007: https://www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/gold/CarerDecision.html