IEEE Information

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Benefits of IEEE?

All these benefits are included in your student membership fee.

Gain a competitive edge with IEEE Spectrum and IEEE Potentials magazine included in your Student membership are subscriptions to the award-winning IEEE Spectrum and Potentials magazines - created specifically for up-and-coming electrical and computer engineers,IEEE Potentials, explores career strategies, professional awareness and the latest research and important technical developments. IEEE Potentials relates theories to practical applications and highlights technology's global impact. For more information,visit .

Access world-class technical information provided by the IEEE. Cut down your research time by tapping into the vast array of technical publications produced by the IEEE. IEEE publishes more than 30% of the world's literature on electrical, electronics and computing technology-your IEEE membership gives you quick and affordable access to it all.

Here are just a few of the IEEE resources available online:

IEEE Biblio On-line - - Get exclusive access to tables of contents, articles, and abstracts of all 100+ IEEE periodicals.

IEEE Publications On-line - - Most IEEE's journals and magazines are as near as your desktop and just a click away ! Get the information and articles YOU want when you want and from where you want. You can also search past archives for the articles of your choice.

Award-Winning IEEE Spectrum Magazine - featuring in-depth, global articles on technological trends across the full range of engineering topics.

The Institute - - IEEE's member newsletter will keep you up-to-date on IEEE current events and activities.

IEEE Online Periodicals Research Area (OPeRA) - - Society members receive immediate electronic access to current and most recent issue of archival journals.

IEEE Information Advantage makes it easy to stay on the cutting-edge. Whether you're looking for technical information, planning a career move, or changing your email provider, IEEE's members only on-line resources can save you hours of research time. 
As an IEEE member, you are connected to the world's one-stop resource for technological innovation and professional networking in your technical field. IEEE Information Advantage Program is your connection to leading-edge technical information resources.

IEEE Personal Email Alias Service 
At no cost, you can register your own personal email alias using the new IEEE Personal Email Alias Service with Free Virus Scanning. With this handy email forwarding service, you'll be able to create or update a personal alias of your choice. If a change in your place of employment or service provider results in a different email address, you can update your email address online. Any attachments you receive through this alias will automatically run through our virus scanning software, which is updated weekly. 
Visit to register for your alias. The alias will be of the form

Customize your membership by joining IEEE technical Societies. Add value to your membership through joining IEEE technical Societies. You can access the latest information in your areas of interest and interact with engineering experts from all over the world. Your society membership will provide you with a vital forum for in-depth discussions of common interests, problems and opportunities. To find out more, visit this site. These societies deal with their respective topics in great depth, so you can greatly benefit by joining the society which deals in the topic you are specializing in.

Discover career opportunities and gain a better understanding of your field. The IEEE-USA On-line Job Listing Service, rated # 1 by EE Times, can turn your employment potential into a recruitment fact. As an IEEE member, you can put your resume on-line at nocharge - employers will access your resume instantly. In addition, you can access the entry-level position area, job search tools, US government job listing sites, find out about job fairs in your area, and more! (Due to resource limitations, IEEE cannot assist with job placement or immigration information.)

To search current job listings or to post your resume, Your membership also includes access to the Electro Technology Industry (ETI) database, a searchable directory of small- to medium-sized US businesses that hire employees in the field of electrotechnology. Available only to IEEE members, the ETI contains more than 40,000 US company profiles that list company size, location, and contacts.