
Reclosers and Other Distribution Equipment Subcommittee

Subcommittee Name

Reclosers and Other Distribution Equipment Subcommittee


Treatment of all matters relating to distribution switching and overcurrent protective equipment, including reclosers, sectionalizers, fault interrupters, capacitor switches, pad-mounted gear, and submersible gear; except for high voltage fuses and high voltage overhead air switches.


Frank DeCesaro


Vice-Chair / Secretary:

Brendan Kirkpatrick

Southern California Edison

What's new in RODE Subcommittee?

  • The RODE subcommittee has rotated its leadership roles. It thanks Travis Johnson who did an excellent job as chair through the Covid-19 years.
  • RODE has started the revision of C37.60, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 111: Automatic circuit reclosers for alternating current systems above 1 000 V, which is an IEC dual logo document.
  • RODE is introducing two new standards to the industry. These are:
    • IEEE Standard C37.75, Standard for Pad-Mounted, Pole- Mounted and Submersible Switchgear Enclosures and Associated Control Enclosures - Coastal and Non-Coastal Environmental Integrity, has recently been published.
    • IEEE C37.68, Standard for Design, Test, and Application Requirements for Microprocessor-Based Controls of Distribution Padmount, Dry Vault, Wet Vault, and Polemount Switchgear Rated Above 1 kV and Up to and Including 38 kV, is presently in the balloting stage.

Subcommittee Documents, Working Groups, and Task Forces:

Document Title Chairperson Activity Status*
C37.60 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 111: Automatic circuit reclosers for alternating current systems above 1 000 V Ian Rokser Active Pending IEEE MyProject approval and activatioun
C37.63 Standard Requirements for Overhead, Pad-Mounted, Dry- Vault, and Submersible Automatic Line Sectionalizers for AC Systems Frank DeCesaro Active PAR Expires: 12/31/2025
Ballot Date: TBD Completion: TBD
C37.68 Standard for Design, Test, and Application Requirements for Microprocessor-Based Controls of Distribution Padmount, Dry Vault, Wet Vault, and Polemount Switchgear Rated Above 1 kV and Up to and Including 38 Kv Paul Found Active PAR Expires: 12/31/2023
Ballot Date: 02/25/2022 Completion: 03/27/2023
C37.74 Standard Requirements for Subsurface, Vault, and Padmounted Load-Interrupter Switchgear and Fused Load- Interrupter Switchgear for Alternating Current Systems up to
38 kV
Kennedy Darko Active PAR Expires: 31/12/2025
Ballot Date: 12/08/2023 Completion: 12/08/2024
C37.75 Standard for Pad-Mounted, Pole- Mounted and Submersible Switchgear Enclosures and Associated Control Enclosures - Coastal and Non-Coastal Environmental Integrity Anil Dhawan Active PAR Expires: 12/31/2023
Ballot Date: Ended on April 13, 2023 with 100% approval and no comments.

Standard has been submitted, and accepted, for the May 15th, 2023 RevCom agenda.
Discussion Group Recloser Interface Mark Feltis Inactive Discussion group completed its task and is inactive.

* All future dates are expected dates.

For more information on the RODE Subcommittee please see the Minutes of the Meetings.

Updated: June 9, 2023