IEEE Orlando Section Monthly
Welcome to the IEEE Orlando Section web site.
Established in 1959 and serving over 1,400 members in
and Sumter
No. 1
January 2012

Employment Assistance:
Conferences: |
7-9: 2012 Carbon
Management Technology Conference
(CMTC), Orlando, FL
2012, Orlando, FL:
Mar. 25-30: IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Orlando, FL
Apr 3-5: IEEE RFID 2012, Orlando, FL
Apr 16-17:
WAMICON 2012, Cocoa Beach, FL:
8-10: 2012 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (IPCC 2012), Orlando, FL
Others Links: |
IEEE Orlando Section Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, January 10th, 2012
6:30 - 7:00 p.m. Social and Refreshments
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. ExCom Meeting
- Installation of New Officers
- All Reimbursements Due
- Officers Report (L-5) Due
- All Meeting Reports (L-31) Due
- Annual Audit
- Budget Review
- Engineer's Week Committee Plan
Place: |
Orlando Business Development Center, District 2 (affiliated with the UCF
and the S.B.A.) at 3218 East Colonial Drive, Suite #G, Orlando, FL 32802
In Herndon Plaza just east of Maguire Blvd.
This is the shopping center across Colonial Drive from Fashion Square.
It is on the west end of the building around to the South-West corner from the HH Gregg entrance.
Free to all IEEE members and Non-IEEE members.
IEEE Orlando Section ExCom Members:
Register Here
Register Here
Mike Orlovsky,
410.979.0476 (Cell)
New 2012 Orlando Section Officers |
The Orlando Section elects officers for a term
of one year beginning January 1st. This year the
Orlando Section utilized the IEEE vTools Voting
system for the election process, and 54 paper
ballots were mailed to members who don't have
an e-mail address in their IEEE records. On
December 6th the Election Committee chaired by
Jorge Medina, presented the ballot results as
Michael Orlovsky
Vice Chair:
Stanley P. Buchanan
V Ravi Rajaravivarma
Lynn Guthrie
The newly elected officers shall be
installed at the Executive Committee
Meeting of the Section in January
10th 2012
IEEE Computer Society Orlando
Chapter Call for nominations for
2012 Officers |
Dear Computer Society Members,
As a member of IEEE Computer
Society, you are also a member of
Orlando Computer Chapter, a local
branch of Computer Society. The
local chapter's goal is to serve as
your local professional home, via
technical activities and
networking, which are both important
to advance your career.
Now call for nominations open for
the following positions:
Chapter Chair
Chapter Vice Chair
Chapter secretary/treasurer
There are also other volunteer
positions available for interested
The nomination will be closed on Jan
16th. Monday. Interested members can
nominate a candidate, or
self-nominate. Please send candidate
name, IEEE membership number,
current affiliation and contact
information and optional statements
to Donghui Wu, donghui.wu@ieee.org.
If you have any questions please
also send your questions to Donghui
Wu, donghui.wu@ieee.org or
Wish everyone a happy new year and
wonderful 2012!
IEEE Computer Society Orlando
IEEE SoutheastCon2012 Paper Submission Deadline Extended to January 9th, 2012! |
Dear Fellow Orlando Section Members,
IEEE SoutheastCon2012 has extended
paper submission deadline to January
9th, 2012. There is still enough
time to submit a paper!
Please follow the link at
SoutheastCon2012 will be held March
15th -18th, 2012, Orlando, Florida,
at beautiful Wyndham Orlando Resort
and Convention Center. The annual
IEEE SoutheastCon conferences
promote all aspects of the theories
and applications of the engineering
disciplines. Co-sponsored by the
IEEE Region-3 and Orlando Section,
we bring an excellent technical
conference to your doorstep. Now we
need your help to make it a success!
This event attracts researchers,
professionals, and students from the
Southeast region of the U.S and
worldwide. SoutheastCon 2012
features technical program,
tutorials/workshops along with large
student programs. The conference
proceedings/papers are IEEE Xplore
searchable. The conference
registration fee is very affordable
at $295. The hotel room rate is at
the seasonal low rate $139/night.
Call for papers and more author
information can be found at
Sponsorships and Exhibition Booths
are still available at
SoutheastCon2012. Please ask your
employer to consider sponsoring an
event or exhibiting at
SoutheastCon2012. In addition to its
technical program, Southeastcon2012,
through its large student programs
(Robotics Competition, Software
Competition, Student Paper
Competition, etc.), attracts more
than 500 students from 40+
universities in southeast region of
USA. It’s a great opportunity for
company to exhibit new products or
recruit top talents.
Call for sponsorship can be found at
Wish everyone a happy holiday
SoutheastCon2012 Steering Committee
SoutheastCon2012, March 15th - 18th,
2012 Wyndham Orlando resort and
Conference Center Orlando, Florida
IEEE Orlando Section Congratulates
our New Senior Member!
The IEEE Orlando
congratulates our
new Senior Member!:
The last A&A Review
Panel meeting was
held on
19 November 2011, in
New Brunswick, NJ,
The next and last
IEEE Senior Member
Review Panel Meeting
of 2011 will be held
on 18 February 2012,
in Phoenix, AZ, USA
For details on how
to apply for IEEE
Senior Member grade
and view the 2011
review panel meeting
dates, visit the
IEEE Senior Member
For Senior Member
inquiries, contact senior-member@ieee.org.
Helpful Senior Member web links:
Senior Member Update
Senior Member
Senior Member
Reference Form
Senior Member
Nomination Event
For Sale: Top-Quality Multiuse Nylon Bags with Orlando Logo
The bag has been designed with many zippered compartments and can be carried with either a shoulder strap or handles.
These sturdy, versatile bags are suitable for travel (they fit under an airline seat), for gym/athletic apparel, for electronics accessories, or for books.
The bags have been donated to the IEEE Orlando Section by the Chair of the AUTOTESTCON 2010 Conference. As such, they are available only through the IEEE Orlando Section at the deeply discounted price of $15.00, payable in cash or by check to the IEEE Orlando Section.
To purchase these bags or for additional information please contact
Dr. William (Bill)
IEEE Membership Benefits:
Bringing Together a Trusted Voice,
Global Community, and Profession
The IEEE is the world's largest technical society, bringing members access to the industry's most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits.
IEEE memberNet
IEEE's online membership directory, connecting members worldwide. Offered as an exclusive benefit of membership.
- Microsoft
Software Offer for IEEE Students
IEEE, in conjunction with Microsoft, is pleased to offer a wide selection of development software to IEEE Student members.
- E-book
IEEE and Wiley Press offer members access to over 220 e-books via IEEE Xplore
Benefits and Status of IEEE Life Membership
- Dues and Regional assessments are waived for a Life member.
- For qualifying Life members, Society fees are waived
(IEEE Bylaw
- Individuals may receive reduced member rates at IEEE sponsored conferences.
IEEE Policy 10.1.15 (Conference Registration Fees) indicates "There must be a reduced fee, waiver of fees, or fee differential for Student members. Reduced fees, waiver of fees, or fee differential for unemployed IEEE members, retired members, and Life members, and for special registrants (e.g., guests, speakers, and exhibitors) are permitted at the discretion of the Conference Committee. The individual registration fee for retired members and for Life members must be no more than that for Students."
- Life members continue to receive the same
benefits that are available to other IEEE members.
- IEEE Financial Advantage Program (includes IEEE Insurance Program)
Volunteers Needed - SoutheastCon 2012 Conference in Orlando
Region 3 annual conference, SoutheastCon,
will be held in Orlando in the spring of
2012. This is a good opportunity for
section members to get experience in helping
to manage a significant technical
conference. Currently there are
opportunities in committees for local
arrangements, technical program,
registration, sponsorship solicitation,
papers reviewers, exhibits, publicity,
contest competitions, and hospitality (among
others). For further information, send
email to
, with "2012" in the subject line.
Member Recognition
The Orlando Section Monthly seeks member
achievements: If an IEEE colleague received an award, promotion, appointment, or any other achievement, please inform The Orlando Section Monthly so it can run a notice in its monthly Member
Recognitions column. In addition to providing the member's name, please include a brief biography of the member's career and a description of the achievement. Send all notices to
Keep in Touch
to the Orlando Section E-mail List to keep
in touch with all the Orlando Section
activities. Just send an e-mail with
SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to IEEE
Orlando Section.
Change of Address?
Update your profile or E-mail Alias via
Web, mail, fax, or phone:
Or send address changes including
your name, IEEE member number and
all pertinent information to: IEEE,
445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331,
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 or call
(800) 678-4333 Or fax your address
changes to (732) 562-5445 Or via
Email: contactcenter@ieee.org