IEEE Panhandle Section Banner

The world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world's largest technical professional society. There are approximately 375,000 members in about 150 countries. The Panhandle Section of IEEE is headquartered in Amarillo, Texas and has about 120 members.

Our Section began as the Panhandle-Plains Section of the AIEE (A predecessor organization of the IEEE) over fifty years ago. That Section was the result of EEs located primarily in Amarillo and Lubbock in the Panhandle of Texas. As years passed the members of the original AIEE Section split into two separate Sections of the IEEE- first, the Panhandle Section in Amarillo, and later, the South Plains Section in Lubbock.

The Panhandle Section thrived with great support from local businesses that took a strong supportive role in making their employee Engineers aware of the IEEE and encouraging and supporting membership in the Panhandle Section.

The IEEE Panhandle Section promotes the advancement of engineering and sciences in the Amarillo area as well as the development and well-being of our members. Our Section has monthly meetings from September through May to help facilitate these goals. Also, our Section helps sponsor other organizations, events and educational institutions that promote engineering and science.




Send comments to: Roland Azcarraga
Last Updated on
June 26, 2011