Pramod K. Varshney was born in Allahabad, India
on July 1, 1952. He received the B.S. degree in electrical
engineering and computer science (with highest honors),
and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in
1972, 1974, and 1976 respectively. During 1972-76, he
held teaching and research assistantships at the University
of Illinois. Since 1976 he has been with Syracuse University,
Syracuse, NY where he is currently a Professor of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science and the Research Director
of the New York State Center for Advanced Technology in
Computer Applications and Software Engineering. He served
as the Associate Chair of the department during 1993-96.
He is also an Adjunct Professor of Radiology at Upstate
Medical University in Syracuse, NY. His current research
interests are in distributed sensor networks and data
fusion, detection and estimation theory, wireless communications,
image processing, radar signal processing and remote sensing.
He has published extensively. He is the author of Distributed
Detection and Data Fusion, published by Springer-Verlag
in 1997. He has served as a consultant to several major
companies. While at the University of Illinois, Dr. Varshney
was a James Scholar, a Bronze Tablet Senior, and a Fellow.
He is a member of Tau Beta Pi and is the recipient of
the 1981 ASEE Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award. He
was elected to the grade of Fellow of the IEEE in 1997
for his contributions in the area of distributed detection
and data fusion. He was the guest editor of the special
issue on data fusion of the Proceedings of the IEEE, January
1997. In 2000, he received the Third Millennium Medal
from the IEEE and Chancellor's Citation for exceptional
academic achievement at Syracuse University. He serves
as a distinguished lecturer for the AES society of the
IEEE. He is on the editorial board of Information Fusion.
He was the President of International Society of Information
Fusion during 2001.