Practical Papers, Articles
and Application Notes

In this issue, you will enjoy reading three very interesting and varied contributions.
      The first article is entitled “Gaps in the Application of the EMC Directive Due to Inadequate Harmonized Product Standards” by Frank Leferink, EMC Authority at Thales and Professor with Twente University, in the Netherlands. This contribution illustrates, with the support of in-situ measurements, the change of scenario that man-made electromagnetic noise underwent in the last decades with respect to the traditional noise signatures, mainly determined in the first half of the 20th century, that represent the basis for the standards. The explosion of the number of sources in the domestic, industrial, commercial, etc. environments, and the change of signal transmission type (from analogue to digital) require a reconsideration of the standards, since the producers of electronic goods must assure the proper functioning of their products in the real environment, and not only the compliance to EMC directives. I’m sure that the paper will stimulate the discussion on the intrinsic requirements for compliance.
      The second article is entitled “EMI Failure Analysis Techniques: Part II on Joint Time-Frequency Analysis” by Weifeng Pan and David Pommerenke from the EMC Lab of

Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Missouri. This is the second contribution of a series covering different methods for EMI failure analysis of devices. This paper focuses on the time evolution of measured spectra that may reveal interesting features not detectable by separate time or frequency domain analyses.
      The last article traditionally presents a contribution belonging to the “Education Corner” series. This time I offer you a well-thought article on “Partial Inductance” authored by Professor Clayton R. Paul. This article complements a sequence of two papers on inductance calculation (by the same author) that appeared in 2008. Several misconceptions and confusion exists on inductance, and Professor Paul, with his pedagogical style, unveils the mysteries and takes us to a complete understanding of the subtleties of this critical parameter.
      In conclusion, I encourage (as always) all readers to actively participate to this column, either by submitting manuscripts they deem appropriate, or by nominating other authors having something exciting to share with the Community. I will follow all suggestions, and with the help of independent reviewers, I really hope to be able to provide a great variety of enjoyable and instructive papers. Please communicate with me, preferably by email at


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