Click here for paper presentation instructions.

Instructions to Submit your Paper

Your complete draft paper must be submitted to the appropriate Committee contact listed in the Call for Papers. Upon acceptance of your paper for presentation at the Annual Meeting, you will receive an email invitation from ScholarOne Manuscript to upload your final paper and complete the Copyright forms. For instructions to format your paper, see For a template (MS Word format), click here. For a LaTeX template (.zip file) click here.

NOTE: There are new regulations to obtain travel authorization to enter the United States, particularly for citizens of Visa Waiver Program (VWP) countries. Please check the Conference Registration page for details.

Authors' Deadlines

  • 1 March 2012: Submission of full drafts of proposed papers to the respective technical committee identified above.
  • 1 May 2012: Notification of acceptance or rejection by the respective technical committees.
  • 1 June 2012: Authors to receive instructions for submission of final conference manuscripts.
  • 1 July 2012: Deadline for submission of final conference manuscripts to ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Paper Presentation Information

General Information

There will be an author's breakfast from 7:00 to 8:00 am each day that technical sessions are scheduled. The room for the author's breakfast will be included in the final conference program, will be posted by the hotel, and will be posted on the conference web site. The author who is presenting a paper on any given day MUST attend this breakfast only on the day of his or her presentation. At this time, biographical and presentation information will be exchanged with the session chair and final details for the presentations will be provided.

Lecture Presentations

Papers are normally scheduled in half-hour increments. A half-hour coffee break may be included after the third paper in a session. There are normally about 8 parallel technical sessions at any time during the conference.

To permit conference delegates to attend the presentation of their choice, each paper presentation must be started at its designated time. A paper's starting time will be listed in the final program that is issued to the delegates at the meeting and is also currently listed in the technical program schedule that is posted on the conference web site. No changes to the final schedule are allowed. If a paper presenter fails to appear at the scheduled time, then the Session Chair may carry on with a discussion of his or her choosing (e.g. technical committee business) or adjourn the session until the time of the next scheduled paper.

Session Chairs will allow 5 minutes at the end of each presentation for delegates to travel between sessions. At the beginning of each presentation, the Session Chair briefly introduces the speaker and gives the speaker 20 minutes to complete his or her presentation. The Session Chair then allows a 5-minute discussion period.

The visual medium for lecture presentations at this meeting will be power point computer projected slides. 35mm slide projectors will NOT be available. The laptop computers required to display the power point slides must be loaded with the presentation PRIOR TO the technical session. Therefore authors must either bring their own laptop computer or make arrangements with the session chair to load his or her presentation onto a laptop computer at the beginning of the author's breakfast. In either case, authors should also bring a CD or a USB flash drive that contains the visual aids for the presentation. Except under very special circumstances, and with the prior approval of the Annual Meeting Chair, please do not schedule videos or other multi-media presentations.