The Transactions Paper


TRANSACTIONS papers are those judged suitable for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by authorized Paper Reviewers of the Technical Committee (TC) and Operating Department having the scope for that paper. A paper can be given this status only as the result of the unbiased judgment of reviewers who are competent in the field of interest covered by the paper. This papers review process is necessary to select the best papers from those which come into the Society each year. Also, the budgetary constraints of the IAS limit the number of papers that can be published in the TRANSACTIONS to typically the best 25 to 30 percent of the papers that come before each TC. This percent figure is modified from time to time to fit budgetary limitations.

Publication in the TRANSACTIONS makes the material widely and permanently available to practicing engineers, researchers, historians, and others. The difference between a paper accepted for conference use only and a paper accepted for TRANSACTIONS is that the TRANSACTIONS paper meets all the requirements of a conference paper and is among the best of the papers presented at that conference.

A TRANSACTIONS paper should be an original work, and should not have been presented or published previously, except at conference sessions and Conference Records of entities of the IAS, or of conferences cosponsored by IAS. Submission for publication in the TRANSACTIONS presumes that the paper is not being considered for publication elsewhere and is not under review by any other publication. In rare cases in which the Paper Reviewers judge the paper to be of extremely high quality and the field of interest to be that of most IAS TRANSACTIONS readers, a paper published elsewhere will be considered for use in the TRANSACTIONS. In such cases the TRANSACTIONS Editor should be informed by the Paper Reviewers of the desirability of such an exception. The Editor will instruct the authors in the extra steps that must be taken in these regards after first receiving approval from the Department Vice Chairman - Papers.

IAS Conference Presentation First Policy

IAS policy normally requires all TRANSACTIONS papers to have first been presented at a Conference sponsored or cosponsored by the IAS, or by an entity of IAS. Where the author(s) are unable to be present personally to present their paper at such a Conference, alternative arrangements for such presentation must be made between the author and the Session Organizer.

A.  Submitting a Paper for TRANSACTIONS Review

Once a paper has been presented at an IAS-sponsored Technical Conference, it may be reviewed for possible publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications or the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. This review is conducted by the Technical Committee having scope for the subject of the paper. The paper may enter this review process by one of several routes:

  • Some Technical Committees automatically review all papers presented in sessions the committee sponsors. In this case, no further action is required by the author. If an author is uncertain whether or not the paper will be reviewed automatically, the session chair can provide this information.
  • The instructions received for submission of the paper to the conference may include additional instructions for submitting the paper for review for publication. If so, these instructions should be followed by the author.
  • In the absence of either of the above situations, the author should submit the paper, complete with all figures and tables, in electronic format as an attachment to an e-mail message. The paper should be submitted as a .PDF file if at all possible. If the author cannot submit a .PDF file, the paper may be sent as an MS Word (.doc) file. This submission should be made to the Papers Review Chair of the Technical Committee having scope for the subject of the paper. See the inside back cover of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications for a list of Papers Review Chairs. If the author is uncertain which committee should review the paper, the submission may be made to the Editor of this Transactions. In either case, the paper should be accompanied by a message stating the conference at which the paper was, or is scheduled to be, presented, and requesting review for possible publication. The paper must be submitted no later than one year after conference presentation. Papers not submitted within this time limit will be rejected. Note that if an author fails to present a paper scheduled for presentation at a conference, that paper will not be eligible for further review or publication.


B. Format

Because the requirements for TRANSACTIONS papers may be different in many aspects from those used for conference papers, authors of papers accepted for TRANSACTIONS will receive a letter of acceptance containing a list of items and information needed to enter the paper into the TRANSACTIONS publication schedule. Authors of conference papers are urged to use a word processor, personal computer, or other means of storing the text in memory whenever possible. Use of an electronic form of manuscript preparation is now almost mandatory, as an electronic copy of the text is required of the author of a paper prepared for TRANSACTIONS publication.

Since TRANSACTIONS papers are prepared for publication by the IEEE Transactions/Journals Department by inserting the electronic text into a style template used for many IEEE TRANSACTIONS, the exact format of the manuscript is less important than the accuracy and completeness of the text. It is not necessary to duplicate the appearance of a paper in TRANSACTIONS. Either of the following formats may be used for papers accepted for publication in IAS TRANSACTIONS:

  • One format uses 8.5 in x 11 in (21.6 x 27.9 cm) or A4 sheets of clean, plain white bond paper, typed one side only in a single column of double-spaced lines. Margins should be at least 1 in (2.5 cm) on the sides, top, and bottom; and all paragraphs should be indented 0.5 in (1.3 cm). All pages, figures, tables, and equations should be numbered consecutively; and all figures and tables should be referred to in the text in the order of their appearance. The references and the figure and table captions should be typed double-spaced on separate sheets of paper.
  • The other acceptable format is that used for most of the IAS Conference Records and is double-column with single-spaced lines. Otherwise the comments given in the preceding paragraph for figures, tables, and equations still apply.

Maximum length of TRANSACTIONS papers: Nine printed pages including all figures and tables is the maximum number of pages normally acceptable for TRANSACTIONS. Refer to Paragraph IV-E for equivalent pages for the two Conference paper formats used in IAS Conferences.

Papers reviewed and recommended by the Papers Reviewers that meet all the requirements for publication in TRANSACTIONS will be submitted by the TRANSACTIONS Editor to IEEE Publications Department for editing and preparation for publishing. Such manuscripts will contain all revisions found necessary by both the author and reviewers. Manuscripts prepared and submitted directly by authors for use in TRANSACTIONS will be forwarded by the TRANSACTIONS Editor to the Technical Committee or Operating Department having the scope for that paper.

Items and Information Required for TRANSACTIONS Papers

An author who is notified that his paper has been approved for the TRANSACTIONS must send the required items and information to the TRANSACTIONS Editor within six weeks following such notification. reproduction is used IAS Transactions. For a complete list of the information necessary for publication, see Information and Material Needed to Schedule Your Approved Paper for Publication in IAS Transactions.

It is important that all correspondence with the TRANSACTIONS Editor (and, later, with IEEE Transactions/Journals Editorial Department) includes the title and paper number(s) assigned to the paper. Also, as insurance against the loss of originals in the mail, or any other mishap, the author should retain a copy of all manuscripts (including original photographs and other art work), revisions, correspondence, and related documents to provide a means of reconstruction of the paper and associated documents should such become necessary.

C. Overlength TRANSACTIONS Papers

Overlength TRANSACTIONS papers are those that exceed nine printed TRANSACTIONS pages. Use of overlength papers results in fewer papers being published over an extended time period, due to budgetary constraints. Authors of overlength papers may be requested to condense their paper to not exceed the nine TRANSACTIONS pages limit. The following are the criteria to use in judging the number of TRANSACTIONS pages a paper will use.

    1. Three typewritten double-spaced single-column-width pages of 8.5 x 11?in (21.6 x 27.9 cm) or A4 paper equal one printed TRANSACTIONS page.
    2. For the two-column conference paper format, three pages of text are equal to two printed TRANSACTIONS pages.
    3. The space required for tables and figures must be included in the nine?page limit. Typical TRANSACTIONS pages contain two columns of text, which, as printed, are 3.45 in (8.8 cm) wide each; the width of both columns, including the intercolumn space, allows for a maximum figure width of 7.1 in (18 cm). Thus all figures will be reduced in size by the printer to a maximum width of either 3.45 in or 7.1 in, depending on the size of the original figure. (Note: Reduced figures are reduced in height as well as width.)
    4. Proofs and Reprints of Papers for TRANSACTIONS, or for the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine

Page proofs of all papers or articles accepted for publication in the IAS TRANSACTIONS or in the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, are sent to the Corresponding Author for checking prior to publication. The instructions accompanying the proof should be followed carefully and, in particular, the corrected proofs should be returned by the date indicated. Alterations should be limited to the correction of errors. Any editor's queries marked on the proof should be answered.

Information for ordering reprints of a technical paper appearing in the TRANSACTIONS or in the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, will accompany the proofs sent to the author.

D. Author's Rights

Statements and opinions given in papers and discussions published by the IEEE or the IAS are the expressions of the contributors, for which the IEEE and/or the IAS assume no responsibility.

An author or coauthor of a paper or a discussion published in the IAS TRANSACTIONS receives a complimentary copy of the issue in which his contribution appears.

Material published in the various IEEE TRANSACTIONS and in other IEEE publications is fully protected by copyright. Permission to reprint such material should be requested from the Copyrights and Trademarks, IEEE Publications Department, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA, phone +1 (732) 562-3966, FAX +1 (732) 981-8062, e-mail

Revised 24 February 2004

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